From 25 September to 1st October 2022, youth gathered at The Climate Justice Camp held by Greenpeace International took place in Nabeul, Tunisa. New friends were made and the old ones reunited. The camp was mainly to build solidarity and also show that there’s a lot that this climate justice movement can offer. There were several workshops of the same topics to accommodate both the artivists/ artists and academics that were there.

Having to choose between which workshop to attend was a bit difficult because of the fear of missing out on new information and knowledge shared on other workshops. There were many awareness raising workshops (artivism), preparation to COP27 strategy workshops, solutions to this crisis workshops and action on the ground workshops.

At every evening, people would still get together and further the discussions but there were other voluntary workshops that people could attend.

The evening workshops were very reflective. One would share their stories from their part of the world but you’d still find similarities of the same injustice as in your hometown. Every part of Africa is affected by this crisis but because of the government’s ignorance, they have no choice but to adapt to the situation.

Having to be in a space with more than 300 activists from different parts of Africa (the most affected country by this crisis), discussing and sharing the same fight and passion gave us hope that change is near as long as we always fight together.

We will continue fighting till the just transition is implemented! We will continue fighting until the youth’s cries get amplified and heard! The time to bring about change is now and we, the youth, will continue this fight for our future!