“Bending the Curve” through Social Solidarity

Robert Zipplies is a long-time partner of Project 90 by 2030. In 2008 he published one of the first books on climate change in a South African context. 

His book, Bending the Curve was a pioneer in highlighting the need to reduce our carbon emissions significantly to prevent runaway climate change. Bending the Curve in 2020 takes on a different yet equally important narrative – focusing on the reduction of COVID-19 infections during the lockdown period so that hospitals can keep up with the demand for people seeking medical attention.

What the two narratives have in common is the underlying need for social solidarity in times of crisis. In order to protect one’s family, friends and community everyone needs to step up and play their part in Bending the Curve. Bending the Curve: Your guide to tackling climate change in South Africa was a pioneer in highlighting the need to reduce our carbon emissions significantly to prevent runaway climate change.

This is not just another book about the doom and gloom of the climate crisis, instead, it is a guide – co-authored by 24 experts – that describes what different sectors of society can do to help tackle climate change.

Bending the Curve was born out of a need for all sectors of society to get involved in taking action to address climate change and its knock-on environmental, social and economic impacts.

Whether you are a parent or policy developer or work for a corporate or civil society organisation, you will find a wealth of practical ideas for making changes at work and in your personal life … changes that are increasingly being made around the world.

Robert has offered free access to his ebook of Bending the Curve and we hope it will be a useful reference for further climate action

Click here to download the free ebook